Thursday 2 July 2015

BarkBeats Box - June

It's that time of the month again..........Elmo's Barkbeats Box has arrived and we are yet again excited to open it! June's box contained the best squeaky toy to date, as well as 'dog Ice Cream' and a big box of biscuits that would be a sure winner with Elmo. 
So lets get started......

The Original Silly Bums Soft Toy
Labelled as 'Nuthin' Butt Fun for your Dog!'. 
They are a soft plush toy made from realistic looking fur, with a crinkle sound inside and squeaker. Our one is the Safari Baboon 'bum'. I have to say it's funny looking and is a talking point when Elmo comes charging into the room with it in front of guests! Elmo loves this as much as his previous Barkbeats toys, he maybe nearly 7 years old but he's a puppy when it comes to new toys. Honestly he could pull this from the box quick enough!

Barks & Sparks Ice Cream
I am so impressed with the Barks & Sparks products, so far we've not had one Elmo didn't like. The Ice Cream comes in a powder form. You make it by mixing it in a bowl warm water or natural yogurt until it is a smooth consistency. Pour it into the tub and pop it into the freezer. Once it is set remove from the freezer and let you dog enjoy the cool refreshing flavour. Oh we have the Coconut one which smells amazing!!!

DIBAQ Crazy Biscuits
Biscuits are always a winner in these boxes! I haven't had to buy Elmo any treats since subscribing to Barkbeats! Crazy Biscuits are roughly the size of a 50pence piece. They are made from cereals and eggs, and are rich in vitamins and minerals. I also found by reading the box they are low in gluten and sugar. Obviously not recommended if you dog has an egg or gluten allergy. Elmo doesn't suffer with any allergies so these are ideal for him as treats. The smell also reminds me of Rich Tea biscuits - just thought I'd mention that :D

HERRMANNS Organic Food
The blurb on the flyer says this is a 'Succulent and bio wet food made only from organic ingredients: goose meat (50%), sweet potato and zucchini"
Elmo is yet to try this so I'll update you on what he thinks at a later date. I have to be careful with wet food as some do upset his tummy. Having said this, this one is organic and has a high percentage of meat in so he might be ok?

GOOD BOY Gnaw-a-Bone
This is our fail point in this months box as sadly this is too big for Elmo to chew on. It does sound really interesting though! The Gnaw-a-Bone is made from super tough non-toxic materials that satisfies powerful chewers, alleviates boredom and helps discourage destructive chewing behaviour. This will be one to pass on to Elmo's friend Bella the Staffie.

UPDATE 2018 - barkbeats Now Known as Viva Dogs 

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