Tuesday 9 June 2015


As I’m sure you know we have a 6.5 year old Chihuahua called Elmo at home. He’s a fabulous character and I love him dearly. A couple of years ago we started to buy his food online and have been fairly happy with the service we received. However an oppotunity came up with PetShop.co.uk so we decided to give them a whirl.

Here’s a little about the company -
PetShop.co.uk is a nationwide home delivery service for pet food and accessories. Helping us pet owners stay on top of our animals food supplies by simply going online to order rather than traipsing around shops. PetShop.co.uk stocks 10,000’s of products and deals with well known brands.

After discussing Elmo’s requirements we were sent the following items -
*NatureDiet Chicken with Vegetables and Rice
This is a wet food (dog/cat owners will understand this term). Elmo’s size means he can have ½ - 1 tray a day. We opted to give Elmo ½ a tray and this seemed to be accurate for his appetite. Inside the packet was a meaty consistency food. It smelt like normal food and when I put it in his bowl you could see real chunks of carrot and bits of rice along with the meat. Elmo loved it and licked his bowl clean - always a good sign! NatureDiet is made with meats that are certified for human consumption so you know you are giving you dog the best food possible. You can also heat this up slightly in the microwave so your dog gets a warm meal; I’ve not tried this as we don’t own a microwave. (LINK)

*Huntland Grainfree Scottish Loch Salmon with River Trout & Sweet Potato
This one is a dry food which is more along the line of what we would normally feed Elmo. Huntland Salmon Adult Dog Food is a 100% natural and grain-free food specially balanced, like no other food on the market, by 50% fish and 50% vegetables and botanicals. Elmo’s size means he can have between 25 - 90 grams of Huntland a day; therefore a 2kg bag would last him nearly 5 weeks - not bad hey! Elmo seems to love this dry food, considering he’s had the same brand for 2 years he didn’t hesitate when I put down the Huntland for him. The only draw back with this particular flavour is it did smell rather fishy, didn’t appear to bother Elmo though! (LINK)

*Orijen Ranch Raised Lamb Dog Treats
As you will have noticed on my photos I was also sent the Orijen Dog Treats. These are the same brand as Elmo’s regular dry food and I was super excited to see what Elmo thought of these. Orijen Dog Treats are made from 100% natural ingredients and are free from preservatives. Sadly for us, our packet was out of date by a week so I didn’t like to feed them to Elmo incase it upset his tummy. I will however be ordering some from Petshop.co.uk as I’ve read up about these treats and am very impressed by them (LINK)

I’ll certainly be placing an order with Petshop in the future, now I just need to decided whether to order Elmo’s normal Orijen dry food or the Huntland Grainfree dry food??

*This post contains gifts from Petshop.co.uk

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