Tuesday 30 September 2014

Maylash - Tried & Tested

Back in 2012 I tested IsaDora Dynamic Lash Growth System which I had fantastic results with so I was pleased to be given the opportunity to test out Maylash Natural Eyelash Serum.

Here is some information on Maylash if you missed the previous blog post -
Maylash is a natural eyelash growth serum that not only lengthens your lashes but also makes lashes appear more dense, fuller and darker.  Maylash says you will see results within the first 6-8 weeks of use. The effect lasts for around 2 months after you finish using it.

My testing started on 5th March ‘14 and I apologise for the delay in publishing my findings but you know how blogging schedules can get at times!  Now to use Maylash you simply apply a thin layer across the top lash line every night it’s that easy! Much in the same way as you apply gel or liquid eyeliner to your top lash line. The serum's peptides and vitamins stimulate the roots to make the lashes grow longer and fuller, whilst slowing down the life cycle of the hairs.

I must say the first week I used this I found the liquid to be very cold on my eyelid and its felt very tickly. After using it for so many weeks though I’m completely use to it so I guess it was just adjusting to a new sensation on my eyelids. I didn’t really notice much growth in the first 6 weeks but when I hit 8 weeks my lashes looked darker and  thicker. My personal experience with Maylash has resulted in lashes looking slightly longer; and as I said before the certainly appear thicker and darker.

*PR Sample

1 comment

  1. Well, I'm glad you saw results! :-) It must be tough to hang in there when you don't see anything for so many weeks.


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