Monday 25 March 2013

Salt Dough Memories...

You normally see Salt Dough around at Christmas. People make all sorts of decorations for their trees and gifts for loved ones. 
This year I had a go when my mum came to stay with us; it was a bit of mother/daughter time.

I have NEVER made salt dough before, but I knew what I wanted to create.......Little Miss' hand print at 2 years old. So here goes.......

All you need is:-

1 cup plain flour
1/2 cup salt
1/2 cup water

*Pre-heat oven to 150 degrees celsius 

*Mix the ingredients together to form a dough; I found it was best to just get my hands in the bowl rather than use a spoon. 

*Roll out the dough (I kept mine around 1/2 inch thick) 

*Next I placed Little Miss' hand onto the dough to create her hand print,

*Carefully place on a baking tray and pop in the oven for around 3 hours. Keep an eye on it, the time varies depending on the thickness of your dough. You'll know when its done, because it will be set hard :)

*Leave to cool and decorate if you wish.

This is a lovely way to capture those memories of our little ones growing up, and they last forever!



  1. Aw, that is a great idea.

    1. Thanks, I'm so pleased with how it turned out :) x

  2. Hello Chris,
    Thanks for your kind comment and for following. I'll stop by when I get a minute :)
    Have a great day xx


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