Thursday 17 December 2015

2015 Rundown

2015 has been a fabulous year for my little corner of the internet......
Nearly a year ago I changed the name of my blog from 'Little Miss KME' to 'KIZIWOO'. The name change helped greatly as I was starting to feel the Little Miss title was too young for who I am as a person. I'm not rocking a bus pass or anything yet! I am a 30 something blogger; with a husband, daughter, chihuahua fur babies, a business and house to run.
 My blog has allowed me to have a creative area to share not only amazing product reviews and news, but helpful tips and tricks I've learnt through 5 years of motherhood, as well as my 18 years of working in the hair and beauty industry. 

The blogging world has also changed greatly this year. 2015 has seen the #30plusblog collective launch, which has been a big deal for us over 30's. I have found so many great blogs to read and it's become a really nice community to be part of; and actually at 33 I'm one of the youngest bloggers in the collective! This year I also attended the Suffolk Blogger Meetup which was held in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. I have to say the personal highlight for me was meeting the bloggers I'd been tweeting for the past 3 years....and what a lovely bunch they are :-) 

My plans for 2016 are much the same as this year. I'm planning to change my schedule a little to maintain a good balance of family and work. 2016 will see my publish posts on Kiziwoo twice a week - Tuesday and Thursday. 

I'm just going to finish up by saying a massive thankyou to all the PR companies who were kind enough to send items to test and review - honestly I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity {kiss kiss} 
And let's not forget you my readers, THANK YOU for following my little blog and coming back post, after post, after post....... 

& I'LL SEE YOU IN 2016

1 comment

  1. Aw, what a lovely little recap and round-up! :-) Happy holidays!


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