Tuesday 24 February 2015

Meet the Swiss Based Bloggers

As I'm sure some of you will have noticed by now that this year I'm splitting my time between the UK and Switzerland (where we lived for a few years). This got me thinking. The World Wide Web is SO big how do you find great blogs to read? 
I discovered quite a few fabulous Swiss based bloggers during our time in Zurich so decided I'd like to share them with you. All of their blogs are either written in German and English OR they have a translate button.

Some of these bloggers are going to form part of my new series called ‘Meet the Swiss Based Blogger’ which will be starting next Tuesday (hashtag #MTSBB). I know its a rather long title but it tells you exactly what the posts are going to be about!
For now all thats left to say is go check out their links and have a read.
Back soon xx


  1. Yay! I feel so honored to be on that list, hee hee :-) Can't wait for the series!

    1. It's a pleasure to have you onboard :) xx

  2. Hello :D I live in Switzerland...if you want you can see my blog www.glamchicbold.com


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